High School and Beyond - providing a lifetime of insight

Home Health Visit

Why You Are Important

You are part of one of the longest and most diverse national surveys to ever be conducted. You and all of the members of High School and Beyond are in a unique position to help researchers better understand how education and earlier life circumstances affect who experiences illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Often times, research in these areas begins with older people. This is why we need your help now. You can help us learn what early life factors protect against dementia and other health problems before they start.

New Addition to HS&B

With funding from the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association, we hope to build a more complete story of your health. Combining your educational history, life experiences, and biology, researchers will be able to better understand what factors promote health and wellbeing later in life. To do this, we are excited to share the newest addition to HS&B – a home health visit.

What to Expect

During this health visit, a trained professional wearing full protective gear- will come to your home for 30-60 minutes. They will take your blood pressure and pulse, record your height, weight, waist and hip circumference, and ask you to donate a sample of saliva and blood. You can still participate in the health visit even if you prefer not to complete every measure. You can decide at the time of the visit which measures you’re comfortable completing.

What You’ll Receive

Not only will you receive a check in advance of the visit to thank you for your time, you will also get to learn about your own health. You will receive a free health report with the results from the parts of the visit that you complete. If you give blood, this would include results of a COVID-19 antibody test, a complete blood count, and your cholesterol levels.

Protecting Your Privacy

The results from this visit will be used only for research purposes and will not be linked to your name or any other identifying information. To learn more about how your privacy will be protected, visit our privacy page.

Thank you!

Your participation will help us learn how to keep you, your friends, and your family enjoying long, healthy and happy lives. Thanks for being such an important part of the study!